Improvements to The Heritage Trout Challenge
Until now, applying to this great certificate has meant following an antiquated system. We wish to celebrate that the Department of Fish and Wildlife recently updated their website to include a web-based interface that now allows for online submissions.
Analiza del Rosario with a trout from the San Gabriel Mountains
So Cal based anglers in particular might welcome the following message recently received by our conservation co-chair, Bernard Yin from the DFW - responding to his request for regional clarification. Basically, it cites a broader range of waters than previously thought. As follows:
“For Coastal Rainbow Trout any watershed that flows, or used to flow, into the ocean will count. All the rivers you mentioned and their tributaries (East Fork San Gabriel, West Fork San Gabriel, North Fork San Gabriel, Arroyo Seco) will count. Piru is another good spot. The next closest species for someone in Southern California would be the Kern Watershed. They can get Ca Golden Trout out of the South Fork Kern or Golden Trout Creek, Little Kern Golden Trout out of the Little Kern River, and the Kern River Rainbow Trout out of the mainstem Kern River.”
Here are some resources. It’s a bit to chew through, but you’ll be glad you did!
An Overview:
The current list of waters statewide:
The Angler’s Guide (Truly informative):
The new web-based form:
Great interview with Roger Bloom by Guy Jeans: