


Kernville , California



The masculine words appearing herein shall include the feminine gender as circumstances require.



Section I. This organization shall be known as SOUTHERN SIERRA FLY FISHERS

Sec. 2. The purpose of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers is to promote the awareness, art and skills of fly fishing, conserving our natural resources and contributing to our community. This shall be accomplished by:

1. Providing social activities to encourage and maintain an active, participating membership.

2. Provide assistance to club members to help them become more effective fly fishers and to promote the fellowship of the membership.

3. Providing classroom-learning opportunities for students and residents of all ages in areas of conservation, fly tying, fly casting. and rod building classes.

4. Promote and work for the betterment of the Kern River watershed



Section 1. The members of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers shall be all persons who have been, or may hereafter be, accepted and are in good standing in the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers.

Sec. 2. Applications for membership shall be received from all persons, businesses and organizations that are willing to further the purposes of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers, and desirous of supporting the sport of fly fishing. Other than failure to pay dues, termination of membership must be recommended by the Board of Directors and approved by the membership.

Sec 3. Complimentary memberships may be granted for up to one year with the approval of the Board of Directors.



Section 1. The Southern Sierra Fly Fishers, by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of those present at a regular Southern Sierra Fly Fishers meeting, may elect a member in good standing to Rainbow Club Life Membership upon the payment in advance of $500.00.

Sec. 2. The Southern Sierra Fly Fishers may, by affirmative vote of two-thirds of those present at a regular Southern Sierra Fly Fishers meeting, elect a member in good Standing to Honorary Life Membership for distinguished services to the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers. Mere services as a Southern Sierra Fly Fishers Officer or Committee Person shall not be considered as sufficient distinguished service.

Sec. 3. Nomination for Honorary Life Membership must be in writing and set forth the distinguished services rendered in detail. The President shall set a date for the vote on the nomination, which shall not be later than the third regular meeting after it is presented.



Section 1. The regular sessions of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers shall be held on the second Friday at 7:00 PM in each month throughout the year. However, when convenience requires, the regular session may be held at a date and time determined by the President.

Sec. 2. A minimum of seven members of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers. at least two of which shall be elected officers, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers in a regular or special meeting.

Sec. 3. The Board of Directors shall meet once a month just prior to the regular membership meeting, at a time and place convenient to the majority of the board. All meetings of the Board of Directors are open to all members. The President or any two officers may request additional meetings as necessary.

Sec. 4. A minimum of four members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of the Board of Directors in a regular or special meeting.



Section 1. The elective officers of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, two Directors, an Education Chairman, a Conservation Chairman, and an Outings Chairman; and no member can hold more than one elective office in the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers. No Southern Sierra Fly Fishers officer shall simultaneously occupy another position in the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers when the relationship between the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers office held and the other position occupied is such to give rise to an apparent, potential or actual conflict of interest.


Sec. 2. The President shall be the executive officer of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers. It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all sessions of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers, call special sessions when necessary, appoint all committees designating the chairman thereof and have general supervision over all matters pertaining to the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers. The president shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by the By-Laws of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers. The president shall act as the representative of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers to the Kern River Valley.


Sec. 3 It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assist the President in the performance of his duties as above stated and to officiate for him in his absence. The Vice President shall be invested at such times with full powers and prerogatives of the President, and subject to his duties.


Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep correct minutes of all meetings of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers, to keep correct accounts between the Southern Sierra FlyFishers and its members; issue membership cards; keep correct mailing lists of the members of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers. The Secretary shall attend to all the correspondence, subject to the approval of the President, and shall promptly present all communications received by him to the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers, having first submitted the same to the President. The Secretary shall issue all certificates pertaining to the business of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers. The Secretary shall notifY the members of all committees of their appointment, together with the subject given into their charge; copy reports in the minute boo~ when directed; require members to pay their dues in advance of each upcoming dues period; send written notice to all members in arrears for dues; and all such other duties as may be legally imposed upon him by the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers and are inherent in and pertain to the duties of his office. The Secretary shall have charge of the books, papers and records of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers, under the direction of the President. When the Secretary retires from office he shall immediately deliver all the books, papers and other property in his charge belonging to the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers to his successor in office, or whomever the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers may appoint.


Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all moneys due to the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers, from any source whatever; and, except as otherwise provided by By-Laws, shall be the Treasurer of all Committees of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers and shall handle all funds of all Committees and of every activity of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers; pay all bills against the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers as ordered by the President and Secretary; keeping a correct account, under their proper dates, of the amounts and sources of receipts and the amounts and purposes of disbursements, taking proper vouchers for the various items thereof. He shall, at such times as the Board of Directors may direct or the President require, present for examination all books, vouchers, etc. that may be necessary to a proper auditing of his accounts. He shall also perform other duties as are required by the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers, and are compatible with his office. He shall present a report at each session showing the condition of the funds of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers.


Section 6. It shall be the duty of the Directors to assist and advise the President in the general supervision over all property and money matters pertaining to the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers. They shall see that the provisions of the By-Laws are strictly complied with, especially the provisions for the vote of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers, before executing any contract. They shall also perform other duties as are required by the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers, and are compatible with their office.


Section 7. It shall be the duty of the Education Chairman to make all arrangements for guest speakers and fly fishing education programs presented during the regular sessions of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers. He shall be charged with implementing the conduct of classes in Fly Fishing, Fly Tying, and Rod Building. 


Section 8. It shall be the duty of the Conservation Chairman to coordinate all clubConservation activities.


Section 9. It shall be the duty of the Outings Chairman to arrange all field trips for the club.



Section 1. The Board of Directors of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, the Directors, Education Chairman, Conservation Chairman and the Outings Chairman.

Sec. 2. The Board of Directors shall have the following powers subject to the control of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers; it shall have control of the funds, investments and property of the Southern Sierra FlyFishers, whether real or personal, not otherwise provided for by law; shall execute all leases, contracts or other papers necessary in supporting the operation of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers. It shall purchase all supplies ordered by the Southern Sierra,Fly Fishers and all bOoks and stationary required by the Officers for the proper performance of their duties. The Board of Directors shall present, not later than the final regular session of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers in September, to the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers a segregated Budget, making appropriations for each of several projects fOr which the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers may provide, out of moneys known to be in the possession of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers or estimated to come into during the ensuing year. After the Budget has been adopted, all expenditures by the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers must be kept within the limits of the appropriations therein made. When a proposal is made for any expenditure in excess of such adopted Budget, such proposal shall be promptly referred to the Board of Directors for consideration. Such Budget may include an item for contingent purposes to cover unforeseen emergencies of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers.



Section 1. Before his installation. the President-elect shall appoint a Community Relations Officer of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers.

Sec. 2. The Community Relations Officer shall be charged with implementing the Community Relations Program of the club; publicize the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers to promote its programs, activities and charities, to encourage and solicit membership, to appropriately recognize all gifts made to the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers; pursue candidates for membership in the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers.



Section 1. Nominations for offices to be filled shall be made in the order in which they appear in Section I of Article V of the By-Laws at the regular Southern Sierra Fly Fishers session held in August of each year. No member, unless nominated in accordance with this section, shall be eligible to election. Only a member in good standing shall be eligible for nomination to office in the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers.

 Sec 2. The annual election shall be held at the regular Southern Sierra Fly Fishers session held in August of each year.

Sec. 3. At all elections for Officers, the President or a Past President shall preside the election shall be by a show of hands; the Secretary and one member at large shall tally the votes and the presiding Officer shall announce the result and declare the candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast duly elected.

Sec.4. The Officers shall be installed at a special session of the Club to be held prior to the next regular session after the election is declared closed.



Section 1. Prior to the next regular session after his installation, the President shall appoint the following committees:

a. Newsletter Editor

b. Fly Tying Committee

c. Raffles Committee

d. Library Committee



Section 1. The fees and dues for membership in the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers shall be:

a. Individual: $25.00

B. Family: $35:00

c. Sponsor: $100.00

d. Rainbow Club Life Membership: $500.00

Sec. 2. All Southern Sierra Fly Fishers dues shall be payable annually, on or before September 1st of each year.

Sec. 3. All membership fees and dues are waved for all Life Members, and Honorary Life Members.



Section 1. The Southern Sierra Fly Fishers shall not have the power to loan its funds to any of its members.

Sec. 2. Members of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers, whether serving upon any committees or in their private capacity, shall not have the power to incur any expense in the name of, or for account of, the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers, without first obtaining its consent thereto.



Section 1. The Southern Sierra Fly Fishers Year shall end with the last day of August of each year. The Fiscal Year of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers shall end with the last day of August of each year.



Section 1. The Rules of Order approved by the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers shall guide the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers in its deliberations. It shall be the duty of the President to see that they are strictly enforced.

Sec. 2. "Robert's Rules of Order" shall be the guide for any parliamentary rules not especially provided for in said "Rules of Order".



Section 1. All amendments and revisions to the By-Laws and Rules of Order of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers shall he proposed in writing and sent by the Secretary to all members of the Southern Sierra Fly Fishers at least ten days before the regular meeting at which said proposed amendment or revision is to be voted upon. A majority vote of all members present at the regular meeting designated. for consideration of such amendment or revision shall be required for its adoption.



1. When a quorum is present, the President shall call the meeting to order.

2. The President shall preserve order and pronounce the decision of the club on all subjects; he shall decide all questions of order without debate.

3. No Question shall be stated unless moved and seconded, nor be open for discussion until stated by the President; and when a question is before the club the only motions in order shall be:

 a. To lay on the table.

b. The previous question.

c. To indefinitely postpone.

d. To postpone to a certain day.

e. To recommit.

f. To refer.

g. To amend.

They shall take precedence in the order here arranged, and the first two shall be decided without debate.

4. On the call of three members for the previous question, the President shall put the question in this form: "Shall the main question now be put?" If the motion is carried, all debate shall cease, and the vote shall be taken, first on the pending amendments in their proper order, and then on the main question. The motion shall have precedence of all other motions, except to lay on the table.

5. If the question under debate contains several propositions, the same shall be divided at the request of any member, and a vote taken separately; but the motion to "strike out and insert" shall be indivisible.

6. Amendments shall be considered in the reverse order in which they are made.

7. When a proposed amendment is under consideration, a motion to amend the same may be made. No after amendment to second amendment shall be in order. But when an amendment to an amendment is under consideration, a substitute to the whole matter may be made. No proposition on a subject different from the one under consideration shall be received under the color of a substitute.

8. A question once decided shall stand as the judgment of the Club, and shall not again during the term be drawn into debate, unless there is a motion to reconsider. Such a motion shall not be in order unless made by one who voted with the majority.

9. The President shall have one vote only on all questions. If there be a tie, the question shall be decided in the negative. In case of a tie in an election of officers, neither shall be considered elected.

 10. Questions or order shall be decided by the chair without debate, but any member may appeal from his decision, and on appeal no members shall speak more than once. The form of question shall be, "Shall the decision of the chair stand as the decision of the Club?" When any question of order shall arise, not embraced in these rules, it shall be decided according to Robert's Rules of Order.

II. Papers laid before the Club shall be read at the request of any member, unless a majority decides otherwise.

12. A member making a motion may withdraw it before any action is taken, after such action, only by leave of a majority.

13. Motions relating ta the rights and privileges of members shall be in order at any time, and shall have the precedence of all other questions; but shall be subject to be rejected, laid on the table, postponed, or committed like other questions: Provided, however. that the regular exercises shall not be interrupted unless the President shall decide that the matter is of so urgent a nature that it cannot be postponed.

14. If any member shall use language offensive to another member or the hall, he may be called to order by the chair, reported by second censor, and dismissed by the discretion of the President.

15. When a member is called to order, he shall take his seat until the question shall be settled, after which he may proceed in order.

16. Upon a motion made by any member and seconded, the vote on any question shall be taken by calling the roll and entering the "yeas" and "nays" on the Secretary's book.

17. Any member may dissent from or protest against any ordinance or resolve, which he may think injurious to the Club or any individual.

18. When a motion to reconsider has been made and laid on the table or defeated, it shall not be in order to take such motion from the table or renew it except by a two-thirds (2/3) vote.



The order of business shall be as follows:

1. Calling Roll of Officers

2. Introduction of guests

3. Reading Minutes of previous session

4. Reports of Officers

5. Reports of Committees

6. Reading Communications

7. Unfinished Business

8. New Business

9. Treasurer's Report

10. Adjournment