Tenkara Clinic
Date: October 27, 2018
Location: Kernville Chamber of Commerce
Time: 7:00 PM
Details: Jon Hart from Southern Sierra Fly Fishers will be leading a two part tenkara clinic. Tenkara is a simplified Japanese method of fly fishing, with gear consisting of a rod, line and fly, absent a reel. In the 1-hour evening session, covered topics will include an overview of tenkara, gear, techniques as well as tips and tricks. The following morning, a brief refresher will precede a 2-hour on the water session held at a TBD location, with opportunities for casting practice and personal instruction. If you have your own tenkara gear, feel free to bring it with you. Otherwise, gear will be provided for the duration of the class.
Evening presentation is open to the public. Membership is required for the morning clinic.
Contact ssffc.media@gmail.com to sign up.